Future Planning Series co-hosted with Autism Alliance for Northeastern New York
I'm so excited to announce that this month we are co-hosting a speaker series with Autism Alliance for Northeastern New York. Although the series is geared towards families that include a member on the autism spectrum, the lessons really apply to any family that includes a person with a disability.
Learn what goes into planning for the future:
- Getting into the right mindset for planning. This is such an important first step. Dr. Nancy Dawson will help us identify and work through the emotions that come up when we start planning for the future.
- Elements of a life plan. Sara Stone and her team develop life plans for eligible OPWDD clients. Sara will discuss what goes into creating a life plan, how to access professional services if you're eligible, and alternatively how to do-it-yourself.
- Financial planning. I'm so excited to present on how a family can create a financial plan that supports their life plan. Just like every family, every plan is unique!
- Guardianship (or not!). Once a life plan and financial plan are complete, there may be legal steps needed to support the rest of the plan. Tara Pleat, Esquire will talk about the legal guardianship process and other options that may be appropriate based on family dyanamics.
I hope that if this speaks to you, you'll register for the free series here: www.aaneny.org/calendar-of-events - otherwise, please send along to a friend or family member who may find this useful!